Creating a Schedule
The schedule will be for the 7 weeks we have to work on it.
1. Research
- Researching and choosing the genre
- Create an idea of the intro
- Research plot choces
- Come up with a detailed plot for the movie
- Choosing music
- Script
- Decide roles and location
- Setting a date to start filming
- Create a storyboard
- Buy necessary props
- Film scenes
- Record foleys
3. Editing
- Choose the best footage
- Choose font and credits
- Put sounds and music
4. Revision
- Analyze the finished product
- Make any changes needed
5. Reflection
- Research for reflection
- Create the reflection
- Go over
I plan to focus on getting the production done as soon as we can so we have time to perfect the clips and sounds with editing.
Week one is already over which is the research week and for now we are on track to follow the schedule.
Week 2
- Start script
- Start storyboard
- Find Location
- Actors
- Find a date to film
Week 3
- Start production
- Record foleys
Week 4
- Continue week three if needed
- If not start editing
Week 5
- Finish editing
- Analyze finished product
Week 6
- Start CCR
- Start and finish the reflection
Week 7
By week 7 we will hopefully already be wrapped up with the project and we can use it to look over our work once again to assure that it is the best it can be.
To keep up with this schedule, I will use an agenda and remind my group members to do the same.
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