Sunday, February 9, 2025


For this post, I'm going to be mostly researching OCD and psychosis and how doctors are portrayed in the media.


Defined obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive unwanted thoughts/obsessions and repetitive behaviors

Affects more than 200,000 people in the US per year and around 70 million people worldwide

The most common type of OCD is contamination and arranging stuff in a certain matter which will be our way of showing that the main character has it. 

Some treatments can help but cannot be cured


I found a very short but informative video of a doctor Phillip L. Rice explaining psychosis how to identify it and what to do.

Defined as a mental health condition characterized by a loss of contact on reality.

Symptoms: hallucinations, delusions, altered emotions, disorganized thinking, difficulties in social settings

Can be caused by abuse, trauma or substance intake

It is common with about 200,000 recorded cases per year in the US.

About 85% of serial killers are psychopaths.


One show that heavily influenced how doctors are portrayed in media is Grey's Anatomy even though it is a heavily romanticized version of doctors in real life.
Males are most of the time the main doctors while women take the role of a nurse

Costumes: scrubs, gloves, mask, ID, doctor tools, clipboard


Now you might be wondering why I would research OCD and psychosis and this is because we want to portray a character who is psychotic and is out of touch with reality and doesn't see others as humans. He wants to take advantage of his position and make money off of it. The OCD part is because he has every little step and thing that could possibly go wrong planned out and is very organized with specific things.

The purpose of researching a doctors costume is to make sure that it is correctly portrayed in our introduction.

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