Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Question #1

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

After watching many CCR's some being good others being just plain boring I want to do something that will express me as a person and my personality/ hobbies that I might not show through my blog.

Considering I only have a week left to film and edit I am going to do a director commentary but with a twist. I got this idea from thinking about how other people record their progress in other fields. My first thought went to scientists/psychologists and how they do video logs explaining what's happening in their experiments. This ties in perfectly with the movie as we are doing a doctor (in the science field) in a way "experimenting" with his patients. To make this work I have to set up everything somewhere that looks professional and where a scientist would be or I could do the opposite and set everything up super messy like a crazy scientist. My idea for this is to set up a camera on a desk in a room that is slightly dark and change outfits between clips to show that it's done over different days. Not only that but I plan to use timestamps to add to that.

Now focusing on the question itself, I used my past research on genre conventions in mystery/horror and compared it to my products. My product uses mystery conventions by starting the movie with the process of a detailed crime happening. However, we challenge the usual main character by making him a doctor. Someone who people see and think of as a hero is the villain. Usually, mystery movies focus on the detective but we will instead focus on the villain and what he does. Going against these conventions will bring a new light to the mystery genre. We follow the dark color scheme along with the eerie music to add tension and mystery to the movie. However, we contrast this by using a bright outside setting to represent how he is different outside and almost like putting on a mask.

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CCR Production

 I am renting out a tennis court so I would have time to film