Monday, March 17, 2025

Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR #4

 What technologies did you integrate?

We used Premiere Rush to edit our film since we had the most practice with that one and was pretty straightforward forward unlike other premiere editing apps. However, this limited the amount of editing abilities that we had at hand we compromised and found other ways to do it by using apps like Canva.

We used an iPhone 15 Pro Max to record and used the normal camera app. I wish we could have gotten an actual camera but none of us had one or were available to get one in time for filming. It could've made the quality much better but we just tried putting the iPhone on the best settings to record. 
We also used a tripod I had at home to be able to place the camera where we wanted it and have it stabilized. We also took it by hand to give it some natural hand movement and make it a little uncomfortable for the viewer. 
To upload our project and make it public we are most likely going to use OneDrive or YouTube.

Saturday, March 15, 2025


 How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

I am an active person, I play tennis and I enjoy working out and walking around my neighborhood. Considering that I might make one of my media for the CCR a "warming up" for tennis or actually playing. Since this is a more personal CCR I thought questions three and four would tie in perfectly.

My production helped me to realize how much work making a whole entire film actually takes. It most definitely will make me see movies in a different light now pay more attention to details and things that the director does on purpose to make their audience feel some sort of way. I've also started to do more research on movies that I watch because I really want to take in what the director meant for the movie to become. 

I overall think my project went by mostly smoothly, I enjoyed almost every single step in it, except for editing, and I couldn't ask for better teammates. We helped each other from coming up with what genre we were going to do to coming up with ideas for our CCR's not only that but working with them was such a good experience we look forward to doing a passion project now to hopefully help communities. Anyway back to the point they taught me how to work as a group and divide our work evenly. 

We didn't have many problems that we couldn't get through together. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Group Meeting

 We finally had our second group meeting and my group we talked about our progress with our project so far and the ideas we had for our CCR. I, unfortunately, could not show my group my progress with the editing since it was on Isa's iPad. However, I showed them our setup and some of our raw clips. They said it looked good and we talked about ideas for the CCR since most of us didn't really know what to do yet. We got to know each other and then recommended some choices.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #2

 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

I would pair both questions one and two in the same media that I explained in the last blog post.

My target audience is middle-aged men but it is not limited to just them. The reason that they are the target is because that is usually who is interested in horror/mystery movies.

My film would engage my audiences and show them the mind of a psychotic person and the extremes he goes to get away with his crimes. They get glimpses into his mind and why he does what he does, they get to connect with him and see how normal he can act and pretend like he does nothing wrong. This could get the audience to question if the person right next to them is hiding something worse than what they see.

Not only that but this film will bring up questions about the healthcare industry. It will make the people who watch it question if the people who are in control of the healthcare industry do it for the money. As we know healthcare in the United States is significantly higher in cost than many other places. For example, the average cost for one American's healthcare is $14,570 while the average cost for someone who lives in the UK is 4,188 euros. 


To distribute it we could start small by requesting it to go to a film festival. Since our film is a mystery/horror a good film festival to request it to would be Screamfest. It is a very popular film festival for the horror genre and would get the attention of many others if we manage to get it on screen. It is done from October 7th-16th being the perfect time for a horror/mystery with Halloween coming up. It is located in Beverly Hills CA giving us a good chance of getting recognized by bigger companies that could help us distribute further. Uploading it on YouTube could be a good way to start off and get it out to the public. Getting it onto bigger streaming platforms could be a reach for a smaller production but it is good to still try. 

Works Cited

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. “National Health Expenditure Data.”, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2024,

Prendergast, Thomas. “Healthcare Expenditure, UK Health Accounts - Office for National Statistics.”, 17 May 2023,


Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Question #1

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

After watching many CCR's some being good others being just plain boring I want to do something that will express me as a person and my personality/ hobbies that I might not show through my blog.

Considering I only have a week left to film and edit I am going to do a director commentary but with a twist. I got this idea from thinking about how other people record their progress in other fields. My first thought went to scientists/psychologists and how they do video logs explaining what's happening in their experiments. This ties in perfectly with the movie as we are doing a doctor (in the science field) in a way "experimenting" with his patients. To make this work I have to set up everything somewhere that looks professional and where a scientist would be or I could do the opposite and set everything up super messy like a crazy scientist. My idea for this is to set up a camera on a desk in a room that is slightly dark and change outfits between clips to show that it's done over different days. Not only that but I plan to use timestamps to add to that.

Now focusing on the question itself, I used my past research on genre conventions in mystery/horror and compared it to my products. My product uses mystery conventions by starting the movie with the process of a detailed crime happening. However, we challenge the usual main character by making him a doctor. Someone who people see and think of as a hero is the villain. Usually, mystery movies focus on the detective but we will instead focus on the villain and what he does. Going against these conventions will bring a new light to the mystery genre. We follow the dark color scheme along with the eerie music to add tension and mystery to the movie. However, we contrast this by using a bright outside setting to represent how he is different outside and almost like putting on a mask.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post Production #2

 Isa is going to put all the videos in the site we are using, and start editing a little bit, to get us a head start and get ready for tomorrow where we will all take turns editing and help each other out.

We are using Adobe Rush as our editing site as it is what we have the most experience with.

This is the raw footage on the editing platform with the music we chose to put on the background.
This is the production company that we have decided to put at the beginning of our film. Gigi took her time to make this on canva.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Post-Production process

 My thoughts

So I hate editing. I am truly amazed by the people who have the skills and patience to edit a short clip even more, a whole film. Now I know that we only have to edit for two minutes but we need to make these two minutes count. 


Now to prepare for editing I am watching tutorials on how to do some effects that we are looking to add to our film. We have been trying to share the editing platform so we can each edit from home. However, we are lost at doing that right now. Even with tutorials, it hasn't helped. We made a plan to go over to Isa's house again but this time to edit and take turns or help each other since we aren't able to share the document. We weren't able to finalize these plans as everyone had other plans either with family or friends so we pushed it back to work together during school with the classes we have together.

This is the video I watched to try to learn some of the basics of the platform we are going to use.

Production Summary

 We finished our filming really quickly, so I haven't had much time to talk about the actual production of the film. For this blog post, I will just summarize what we did. 

We first planned a day for when we wanted to do it. After doing that we bought all the stuff and made sure it came in time for when we had planned. The day came and we went to Isa's house at 3:30pm. Since we had one shot outside that had to be daytime, we decided to do that first. We came to a problem in this since our tripod was a bit too short. We fixed this by putting a box under the tripod. We set everything up inside the garage where we could control the lighting and set the props up on a table where we were going to film. We based most of our shots on the storyboard to make sure we had every important part filmed. However, we encountered a problem...we did not have enough shots to fill the time we needed. We started brainstorming some ideas that we could put in to make the film overall better and add to the time. During the filming parts of our hangout, we took a few breaks to talk and make it a fun process overall. We laughed so much during the making and genuinely enjoyed this experience. Isa's mom was the best and she offered to buy us some wingstop to eat since we finished filming at 10:30. Overall it was a great experience I would rate it a 20/10!

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Now to the fun part. In my opinion, filming was the most exciting part of our production overall. Maybe it's because it was the most fun. Took us about an hour but we took no breaks and made sure to overshoot so we had a bunch of clips to choose from for our final project.

Just because we wanted to get it over as soon as possible does not mean that we didn't enjoy it though. It was such a good experience to work together as a team and get all the clips that we needed to finally start editing.

Me having fun with Isa's dog!

CCR Production

 I am renting out a tennis court so I would have time to film