What are Props?
Props are a vital part of story telling, they can help create a believable character and a more immersive scene. There are many different types of props, for example, personal props, set props, trim props and symbolic props. Kyle Deguzman stated
"[Props] can move a story forward, define a character, or become a symbol in and of itself."That is what we are trying to achieve, using props to make a character.
Key Props
As me and my partners were planning our film we knew that props would be a big deal for our project. So we started making a list of props to buy and ones that we could find at home.Marble and Jars: Arguably our most important prop, the marbles and jars are going to represent something bigger than just what you see. They are going to develop the characters OCD and its going to represent the amount of drugs he is giving each patient, however you wont learn this until later on in the movie.
Pill Making Kit: Since at first you wont know that this man is a doctor, when the audience sees the pills and drugs they are just going to think this is just any crazy guy. However, once it is revealed that he is in fact a doctor that will make the audience question his actions.
Composition Notebook and pen: Now you might not think there's anything special with a notebook and a pen but that notebook is where he hides all his secrets and takes notes of every single thing he does so if someone finds that... well that's the end of his long line of secrets.
Files: He will have a cabinet full of files. Each file represents one of his patients.
Desk: The desk will serve as a set prop along with other things we will have in the background of the set. But the desk is more important since that is where most of the shots will be taken.
Desk lamp: The desk lamp is also just a set prop but we hope that choosing this style of lamp will add more mystery and eerie mood than another style would.
Picture of him as a kid and money: This will be shown in two very quick shots as easter eggs and they will represent his past and his motivation on why he is doing what he is doing.
Doctor coat: The doctor coat is simply to imply to the audience that he is a normal doctor without having to say it.
Using all these props will help us develop our character and a mysterious mood that will make the audience question every step taken. In Nightmare Toys they explain that
"When it comes to creating spine-chilling, hair-raising films, horror props play a crucial role in setting the eerie ambiance and heightening the fear factor."
By choosing the props we chose I believe that they will add a feeling of uncomfortableness to the audience.
Works Cited
Deguzman, Kyle. “Types of Movie Props Explained — and How They Work.” StudioBinder, 14 Nov. 2021, www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-a-movie-prop-definition/.
Rentals, Movie Prop. “What Are the Four Types of Props?” Movie Prop Rentals, 15 June 2022, movieproprentals.net/what-are-the-four-types-of-props/.
Wilks, Alex. “Which Horror Props Are Used Most Often during Filming?” Nightmare Toys, 13 Oct. 2023, www.nightmaretoys.com/blogs/news/which-horror-props-are-used-most-often-during-filming.
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