Sunday, February 2, 2025

Aice Media Portfolio: Genres

    After talking to my group we have narrowed it down to two possible genres that we could center our portfolio around, mystery or romance. There could of course be some sort of overlapping of these genres in the introduction but to have certainty that the project will be an accurate representation of the genre and their normal introductions I have done research on each.


    For now mystery is our top choice. 


    Mystery films usually start with the introduction to a detective and/or a detailed crime committed. They involve a villain, usually being the criminal, and a hero, who is usually the detective. In some movies these heroes have a sidekick. The mystery genre also focuses on making the plot realistic to add to the suspense a viewer gets while watching. At the end of these movies there is usually a resolution. however many movies have gone against that standard and left it a mystery.

    These films make use of dark colors and shadows within the mise-en-scene and creepy music. These are used to create tension and suspense within the movie.

There are some genres that overlap for example mystery and horror. A great example would be Se7en. Not only is it a great example of a mystery and horror movie but it also shows how mystery movies can have an unresolved ending.

Other mystery movies:



    Romance films are typically made to be believable and realistic. Often the main character is a woman, which helps with the target audience, in a central love story that faces challenges throughout. These challenges are usually a partner keeping a secret. Between the two partners is usually a strong sense of masculine and feminine sensibilities, making emotional and sexual tension between them. Usually has a happy ending.

    Romance conventions in the production include a romantic setting; these settings stereotypically are in cities like Paris, Italy, New York, and London. This creates a juxtaposition from the messy and loud world to a save haven when with their partner. The ambience is warm colors like red to represent love and a sense of comfort, lighting is extenuated with candles and lamps. Avoids harsh lightings that would create contrast and shadows

    Romance movies:

Romance/Horror movie:

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