Thursday, October 31, 2024

Genre Research Blog

Genre: Romance

    The romance genre originated in ancient Greece by the 19th century and has progressed over time to adapt with the world. 


     Romance conventions seen in the content include the plot being believable and being a realism genre. Often, women are usually the main character which ties in with the target audience. This woman is usually involved in a central love story that faces challenges throughout. These challenges are usually some sort of secret kept from a partner. Between the two partners is usually a strong sense of masculine and feminine sensibilities, making emotional and sexual tension between them. This genre usually ends with a happy ending with the lead and character development from either partner or both.

    Romance conventions in the production include a romantic setting; these settings stereotypically are in cities like Paris, Italy, New York, and London. This creates a juxtaposition from the messy and loud world to a save haven when with their partner. The ambience is warm colors like red to represent love and a sense of comfort, lighting is extenuated with candles and lamps. Avoids harsh lightings that would create contrast and shadows


    The romance genre is heavily marketed towards women ranging from 16-44. It is marketed towards them in online platforms. Usually the production  company pays influencers to promote the movie where women are likely to see it and interact with it to spread it across the platform. When influenced women go watch it and recommend to friends creating a domino effect. The production company also gets social media to create a buzz over a character, usually an attractive lead. This catches the audience attention leading to people watching it. It markets emotional fulfillment and nostalgia, ranging from joy to heartbreak, to women.

Examples of movies in the Romance genre are


Example of low key light and warm colors

The Notebook

Example of a happy ending with emotional fulfillment 

La la land 

Lala land is a good example of having challenges in a relationship ending with its own twist(big city)



Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project

 During the making of this project, I learned how important sound is in a film and how long it takes to make the sounds even for one short story.

First, we were instructed to brainstorm a scene that could happen in 1-2 real-life minutes. After choosing one create a detailed outline of what your scene would sound like. After creating the outline of the project use online sound effects to create the project with at least 4 foleys. Edit all these audios into one file and submit.

During brainstorming, I talked with my partner about things that we could do that had lots of noise involved. After, the outline helped organize all the ideas and sounds we needed to look for online. This made it easier when it was time to edit everything. I used adobe premier to edit.

I really loved how the project came out I think everything was done very good but some parts could've been made smoother and had a better transition.

Soundscape Link

Group Meeting