Monday, September 30, 2024


 Summary of instructions: Make a 1-1 1/2 film based on one word with a partner. The story should be 60-90 seconds in real life. No use of words. Should convey the word to the audience with the use of angles, camera shots, and composition 

Approach to the Project: Research what exactly the word meant. Brainstorm ideas that fit the criteria of the instructions. After, make a storyboard to imagine how the project would layout and also as a guide while filming to not go off track.

 Editing resource used: Premiere Rush (very user-friendly)

The project was well made and filmed with time so nothing was rushed. The costuming was very fun and added to the story. Although I think the audio could've been better personally. For next time do more research on where to find good sound effects.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Isabel P.8 9/3/24

Camera shots quiz

In this assignment we were instructed to tell a story using 15 shots to convey the idea, mood, and tone.

I decided to create a story about a Dior mascara who is bullied by two telescopic mascaras and what they learned

I think I did a good job at expressing the actions that the mascaras are making using the shots and angles. My favorite shot is the low angle showing the two telescopic mascaras because it gives the idea that they are better and hold more power. Although I think that the story is communicated very well, I think that another story could have been told better.

<iframe src="{f30f298f-8650-4fef-8d46-92f4784bc97b}&amp;action=embedview&amp;wdAr=1.7777777777777777" width="476px" height="288px" frameborder="0">This is an embedded <a target="_blank" href="">Microsoft Office</a> presentation, powered by <a target="_blank" href="">Office</a>.</iframe>

Group Meeting